
Company introduction

Representative message

Engineering challenger to the natural environment

Don't you ever go abroad and reaffirm the good points of Japan? On the other hand, I feel that both developed and developing countries have common environmental issues such as "global warming", "abnormal weather", "air pollution", and "garbage problem".
Many people understand the importance of creating a recycling-oriented society as one of the means to solve these problems in today's world where environmental problems are becoming more serious. It is also necessary to have a deep understanding of society and the times, and an understanding of the relationship between nature and humans.
By the way, do you know how the rice husks generated during rice production are utilized? There is a social issue that we have no choice but to dispose of it as a result because the usage is not sufficient. On the other hand, "rice husk" itself contains a large amount of silica component, which can be extracted by using thermal technology, and has a wide range of applications, both agricultural and industrial.
We, NSIC Co., Ltd., named Nippon-Silica-Circulation in our company name, with the idea of realizing a recycling-oriented society through the effective use of resources that have not been effectively used until now. . Based on the thermal technology cultivated in the industrial field, we would like to contribute to socially meaningful value creation for solving environmental problems.

Representative Director and President
Takashi Kikura

Company Profile

company nameNSIC Co., Ltd.
representativeTakashi Kikura

Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture Distribution Center Aoidani 1-chome 8-4MAP

EstablishedFebruary 15, 2018
contact addressTEL 0766-57-4332 FAX 0766-88-0585

Corporate philosophy

We will create an earth-friendly recycling society,
Aiming for utilization in the fields of agriculture, industry, and environmental conservation,
We will contribute to regional development in Japan and overseas.

Environmental policy

basic principle

NSIC Co., Ltd., as an environmental equipment engineering company, has accumulated thermal technology and contributes to the environment and society in Japan and overseas. At the same time, we strive to reduce the environmental burden in all our activities and promote continuous environmental conservation activities. increase.

Behavioral guidelines
  1. We will reduce the environmental impact caused by business activities that provide products with less environmental impact.
  2. We will comply with environment-related laws and regulations related to our business activities and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
  3. In promoting environmental conservation activities, we will work on the following items as priority themes.
    -We will promote the provision of environmentally friendly products in order to mitigate climate change and use sustainable resources.
    -Promote waste reduction and recycling.
    -We will properly manage environmental pollutants and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
    -We will promote environmental conservation activities by improving the working environment in factories, warehouses, offices, and on-site.
  4. We will provide education on environmental conservation, make all employees and cooperating companies aware of this policy, and work to improve awareness and knowledge.
  5. We will disclose this policy to the general public as necessary.